We hope you’ve been checking the Fixtures section for photos from each of the games – we now have a fantastic library of images from this tour thanks to a very talented photographer in Caron Collinson – thank you so … Continued
2012 USA Tour
Watching the Chesapeake Bayhawks Practice
Some fantastic new pictures in the Gallery everyone! The lads went to watch the Chesapeake Bayhawks practice at the Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium in Annapolis. Many thanks to Caron Collinson for continuing to provide these amazing shots.
Day trip to Washington
Sorry about the technical glitch everyone! Back on board now, so check the gallery for some Twitter photos of the Washington trip.
1st practice in the heat of Maryland
A few photos from our Twitter feed, just in case you aren’t following us on Twitter (you ARE following us on Twitter aren’t you?!!)
Safely arrived in Davidsonville
Happy to report the squad arrived safely in Davidsonville to be met by their host families. The lads spent the evening getting used to their new surroundings, and no doubt eating some fantastic food! A morning training session at Davidsonville … Continued
Looking very smart
All members of the tour, looking very smart indeed, and itching to get on the plane. Safe (and fun) flight everyone – and have a fantastic tour!
Ready for the off!
All checked in and ready to fly at Manchester Airport